Lab Tests



Lab: Vibrant America

Sample: Urine

Processing Time: 2 weeks

Cost: $300

Description: This report includes serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, glutamate, GABA, histamine, oxytocin and more. It measures the levels of nutrients related to these neurotransmitters including tryptophan, taurine and tyrosine. See the sample report for a complete list.

Neural Zoomer Plus

Lab: Vibrant America

Sample: Blood Spot (Pin prick that can be done at home; no phlebotomy needed.)

Processing Time: 2 weeks

Cost: $450

Description: This is a highly sophisticated test that assesses possible factors in neurodegenerative disorders. It tests an individual’s reactivity to 48 neurological antigens, which may have connections to a variety of neurologically related diseases. This test is provided for information only to help point you to issues that may be of concern. Please work directly with a functional medicine doctor who specializes in inflammatory and immune conditions who can further assess your specific needs.  This test cannot be ordered for patients under 2 years of age.


Heavy Metal Toxicity

Lab: Doctor’s Data

Sample: Urine

Processing Time: 2 weeks

Cost: $130

Description: Detoxification of heavy metals can be tricky and challenging for the body so it is helpful to know how much of an issue it might be. It is also great to check in from time to time to see how you are progressing. See the sample report for the list of metals tested.

Heavy Metal Toxicity with Essential Minerals

Lab: Doctor’s Data

Sample: Urine

Processing Time: 2 weeks

Cost: $170

Description: Detoxification of heavy metals can be tricky and challenging for the body so it is helpful to know how much of an issue it might be. It is also great to check in from time to time to see how you are progressing. For a small additional cost, you can test your essential minerals too, including, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium and more. 

See the sample report for the list of metals tested.

Total Toxicity Burden

Lab: Vibrant Wellness

Sample: Urine

Processing Time: 3 weeks

Cost: $575

Description: One of the most comprehensive toxicity tests available. Heavy metals. Molds. Pesticides. A wide range of manmade chemicals. It tests glyphosate to see how strongly GMO foods may be an issue. It tests exposure to estrogenic plastics, a significant factor in breast, ovarian, uterine and prostate cancers. A tremendous tool in helping you limit exposure to toxins as well as targeting your detoxification approach. 

See the sample report for the list of substances tested.

Food Sensitivities

Gluten Sensitivity

Are you really gluten intolerant? Find out for sure.

Lab: Doctor’s Data

Sample: Blood Spot (Finger prick - do it yourself at home)

Processing Time: 2 weeks

Cost: $125

Food Sensitivities (96 Foods)

Lab: Alletess Medical Laboratory

Sample: Blood Spot (Finger prick - do it yourself at home)

Processing Time: 2 weeks

Cost: $180

Description: This tests sensitivity to 184 different foods (including gluten). Low-grade food allergies may not be obvious on a daily basis but can present as rashes, sinus issues, digestive upset, headaches, brain fog and more.

See the sample report for the list of foods tested.

Food Sensitivities (184 Foods)

Lab: Alletess Medical Laboratory

Sample: Blood Spot (Finger prick - do it yourself at home)

Processing Time: 2 weeks

Cost: $310

Description: This tests sensitivity to 184 different foods (including gluten). Low-grade food allergies may not be obvious on a daily basis but can present as rashes, sinus issues, digestive upset, headaches, brain fog and more.

See the sample report for the list of foods tested.


Microbiology Profile

Lab: Doctor’s Data

Sample: Stool

Processing Time: 2 weeks

Cost: $175

Description: Tests for beneficial flora so that you know how you might need to shift your probiotics. Test harmful bacteria and yeast, as well as common medications and nutritional substances for combatting them. Eliminates a lot of the trial and error and gets you a resolution faster!

GI Effects - Comprehensive Stool Profile

Lab: Genova Diagnostics

Sample: Stool

Processing Time: 4 weeks

Cost: $500 (or $540 with H. Pylori add-on for GERD and acid reflux.)

Description: One of the most comprehensive tests available! Tests for bacteria, yeast and parasites, as well as whether common medications or nutritional supplements will be effective in combatting them. Assesses beneficial flora so that you know how you might need to shift your probiotics. Evaluates malabsorption of nutrients, inflammation and metabolic imbalances. Measures primary microbiome categories. Includes a methane score as a preliminary screen for SIBO. A healthy gut is critical for a healthy immune system and this test is a big step forward in understanding the issues.

GI Effects - Comprehensive Stool Profile with H. Pylori (For GERD and acid reflux)

Lab: Genova Diagnostics

Sample: Stool

Processing Time: 4 weeks

Cost: $540 with H. Pylori add-on for GERD and acid reflux

Description: One of the most comprehensive tests available! Tests for bacteria, yeast and parasites, as well as whether common medications or nutritional supplements will be effective in combatting them. Evaluates malabsorption of nutrients, inflammation and metabolic imbalances. Measures primary microbiome categories. Includes a methane score as a preliminary screen for SIBO. A healthy gut is critical for a healthy immune system and this test is a big step forward in understanding the issues. This version adds a test for H Pylori for those with GERD or acid reflux. 

Hormones / Adrenals / Stress / Sleep

Cortisol / Stress Response / Sleep

Lab: Doctor’s Data

Sample: Urine

Processing Time: 2 weeks

Cost: $185

Description: Cortisol is key to our ability to handle stress. It also regulates our day / night cycles – our ability to spring into action in the morning and to feel peaceful for sleep at night. This test takes four samples so your levels can be tracked through the day. For those who wake suddenly in the night, one of the samples can be taken in the middle of the night to see if stress is the cause. This also tests DHEA, a precursor to cortisol, estrogens and testosterone.

DUTCH test for Adrenals, Progesterone, Estrogens, Testosterone and more

Lab: Precision Analytical

Sample: Urine

Processing Time: 2 weeks

Cost: $375

Description: One of the most comprehensive hormone tests available. This not only gives levels of progesterone, estrogens and testosterone, it also shows how your body utilizes them. It also measures cortisol four times throughout the day to track your stress response. For those who wake suddenly in the night, one of the samples can be taken in the middle of the night to see if stress is the cause. This also tests DHEA, a precursor to cortisol, estrogens and testosterone.

Nutritional Status

Nutrient Profile

Lab: Vibrant Wellness

Sample: Blood Spot (Finger prick - Do it yourself at home)

Processing Time: 3 weeks

Cost: $325

Description: Test your vitamins, minerals, amino acids, omega fatty acids and key antioxidants such as glutathione and CoQ10. So useful for evaluating how well your current nutritional program is working for you. 

See the sample report for the list of nutrients tested.

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